Kuromon chaya (Shop and Restaurant)

At this restaurant you can enjoy a traditional dish called 'Mushi-zoni' (steamed zoni: non-sweet egg custard) that is unique to this area, and a rare freshwater seaweed set-meal called 'Kawatake'. The Japanese sweet 'Kudzu mochi' (kudzu starch cake) is also handmade every morning. You can see beautiful images of the four seasons in the store, giving you time to heal.
*Menu with photos.
*Watch the video with English subtitle.
*Menu with photos.
*Watch the video with English subtitle.
684-2 Akizuki-notori, Asakura City, Fukuoka Pref.
55 173 706*88
33.468172, 130.693859
CONTACT | 0946-25-0492 |
BUSINESS HORS | 10:00-16:00 |
PAYMENT | Cash, Alipay, paypay |
RESERVATION | Not required |
SCHEDULED HOLIDAYS | Thursday. Except public holidays and in the tourist season (April, November). |
RESTROOM | Available |
PARKING | 4 cars |
HOW TO GET THERE By/Drop off at/Min. |
Amagi Sightseeing Bus/Hakubutsukan-mae/On foot 5 min. |
BEST SEASON | All year round |
LANGUAGE | Japanese, English, Chinese |
LINK | https://kuromonchaya.com/ |